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Year 2

There are 2 classes in Year 2.

The teachers in Year 2 work hard as a team, along with our teaching assistants, to plan and deliver an exciting and informative curriculum for all of the children.

The team consists of:
Tawny Owls– Mrs Bradley Knight, Mrs James and the teaching assistant Mrs Garbett.
Tigers- Miss Stallard and the teaching assistants Mrs Hallam and Mrs Fezovich.


We share all photos, learning links and messages on our ClassDojo platform.

Experiences throughout our year are linked closely to problem solving, reasoning and becoming independent thinkers and learners. Children will be involved in group work led by a teacher and a teaching assistant and independent work.

Topic work is integral to the school day and classes work on English and Maths that are linked to our topics to encourage enjoyment and a deeper understanding.

In Maths, children are given many opportunities to problem solve and apply to real life situations.

Children write for a purpose in English and read a variety of texts whilst developing what they have learned through daily phonics work.

Work is planned so that all children are given work that is at their level to ensure they are making the most progress they possibly can.

We send home weekly spellings for your child to practise and thank you for your support with this. 

To send us anything you have been doing or any questions, please message us on the class dojo page. We LOVE to see anything you do at home so please always do share this with us on this area.