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PE and School Sports Premium

What is it?

In March 2013 the government announced that it was to provide extra funding to schools in order to improve the provision of PE and sport in primary schools in England. This became The Primary PE and Sport Premium. The funding is 'ring-fenced', which means that it can only be spent specifically on PE and sport in schools.

Purpose of funding.

Schools must spend the additional funding to improve their provision of PE and sport, though how they do this remains the schools' decision. Ofsted will carry out a survey to report on the expenditure of additional funding and its impact. Schools are required to publish how the funding has been used and the impact it has made.

As a school we have to include details of our provision of PE on our website, alongside details of our broader curriculum, so that you are able to compare sports provision between schools, both within and beyond the school day.

The sports premium funding is a welcome addition to our budget; we use it to make sustainable developments in our PE and School Sports provision. Please see our impact evaluation report below.