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British Values

We have a big display linked to the British Values in our main hall.
We use this in assemblies.

Promoting British Values at Cotmanhay Infant and Nursery School

The Department for Education state that there is a need “to create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.”

The government set out its definition of British values in the 2011 Prevent Strategy.

At Cotmanhay Infant and Nursery School we refer to these values throughout the school day and within the curriculum. They are approached in an age appropriate way. We often speak of them as values for everyone.

Below is how we explain them and some examples of how we make them part of our school ethos.


Everyone’s ideas are important – in school we have a School Council that we vote for, we vote for favourite activities in Golden Time. In our country we vote in elections.

The rule of law

It is important to know what is right and wrong – in school we have Golden Rules, classroom rules and assembly rules. These are deeply embedded in our work every day.  Each class also discusses and sets its own rules that are clearly understood by all and seen to be necessary to ensure that every class member is able to learn in a safe and ordered environment.  In our country we have laws that the police make sure we keep.

Individual liberty 

We are allowed to say what we believe – in our school our opinions are important. Within school, pupils are actively encouraged to make choices, knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment.  As a school we educate and provide boundaries for our pupils to make choices safely, through the provision of a safe environment and an empowering education, examples of this can be clearly seen in our e-safety and P.S.H.E. lessons.  In our country we are able to say what we believe.

Mutual respect 

Treat other people how you want to be treated – in our school we treat each other fairly, we know that if we are kind then people will be kind to us. The pupils know and understand that it is expected and imperative that respect is shown to everyone, whatever differences we may have and to everything, however big or small.

Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs 

Everyone is different and that’s ok – in our school some people believe in God and some people don’t and that’s ok. We enhances pupils understanding of different faiths and beliefs through religious education studies, P.S.H.E, participating in celebrations such as Diwali, Chinese New Year, Hannukkah and welcoming visitors into our school to enrich and extend understanding.  Through this our pupils gain an enhanced understanding of their place in a culturally diverse society.  In our country people might believe in different Gods and that’s ok too. 

Celebrate  Inspire  Nurture Succeed