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Art and Design



Showcasing our wonderful artists and designers throughout school


We have long-term plans (curriculum maps) in place and are developing 2-7 skills progression grids to enable children to:

  • Build on learning and skills during their time with us (sequenced / structure / explicit (everyone knows objectives)
  • Link learning to provide context and experiences, deeper understanding, to excite and motivate (topic based / inclusion (all groups of pupils))
  • Understand the world around them, locally and more widely (Cultural Capital / British Values)
  • Prepare for their next stage in education (Cultural Capital / PSHE / ambition)


  • Planning is completed weekly and half-termly in year group teams using knowledge of children, expectations, skills progression and wider opportunities.
  • We have short-term, medium term and long-term plans to ensure sequence and building on knowledge and skills.
  • We have a ‘Creative Curriculum’ which is mostly topic-based learning with overarching questions with an open-ended structure.
  • Topics are based on children’s interests to inspire and are based on experiences they may not have to enrich.
  • We have good quality resources.
  • We ensure ongoing assessment of children’s learning.
  • There is a balance between adult-led and child-led learning.
  • CPD supports teacher knowledge and expertise in subject areas which is shared with all staff.
  • We use trips / visitors and other opportunities to enhance the learning experience and a making area for continuous provision.
  • A topic newsletter letter is sent home to parents / carers, so children can be supported at home. This includes specific vocabulary with definitions. Workshops are delivered to further support this.


We measure the impact of our curriculum through:

    • Outcomes
    • Progress made from starting points
    • Conversations with children that demonstrate they know, can do and remember more than they did before
    • Monitoring the work children do and their response to learning
    • Recording aspirations and supporting them through school ethos and the PSED/PSHE scheme
    • Pupils' art work is kept in a book which travels with them from reception to year 2 to evidence and monitor their skill development.
    • Assessment is monitored by the subject leader and used to develop and enhance the Art curriculum.


Pupils are given many opportunities to develop their skills in drawing, painting and sculpture to capture their ideas, experiences and imagination. They explore techniques of using colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form and space.

Children learn about the work of a range of artists, craft makers and designers and embrace their work. They become artists and show a can-do attitude. 

Design and Technology

Pupils are taught to design, make and evaluate their models and products. They gain technical knowledge of how to make structures stronger and explore simple mechanisms. They have cooking opportunities and talk about how to hand equipment safely and keep safe.

Enrichment Activities 

Children are involved in many enrichment activities linked to Art and Design from the cubs' 2-year-old nursery right the way through to year 2. In the nursery, children are engaged in weekly baking sessions with a visitor from school. We have artists in the community that we invite into school to work with the children to create different pieces of work that they would not have had experience of otherwise. We have run construction clubs for pupils, an art club, a modelling club and have regular parent involvement through competitions and art and design activities.  

DT vocabulary