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Assessment in Reception


This is a statutory assessment for all children in the country, covering Literacy, Communication and Language and Mathematics. It comprises of short practical activities for the children to complete with a familiar adult.

The children aren't aware they are being assessed so it's nothing to be worried about and it is not something they can prepare for.

It is used by the government to compare the progress made by children between Reception and Year 6.

Observations are made on a continuous basis to ensure the child's next steps can be planned for and all children's needs can be met.

There are more formal assessments which are competed at the end of each term which focus on key skills in mathematics and literacy.  

At the end of the Reception year, in June, the school makes a decision about what stage a child is at and whether they have met the Early Learning Goals and are at the EXPECTED level or haven't quite met them and are at an EMERGING level.

These results are then shared with the Local Authority and with parents.   
An end of year report is Jared with parents which summarises the child's progress and characteristics of learning.