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ee sound

The sound is ...

This is the digraph ee. (2 letters that make 1 sound).


Try saying it in a silly voice: a baby

a giant

a whisper

shout it

a princess

a robot...

any you can think of

Can you read the ee words below? 

see bee feet meet
tree seed keep week

You could write them on pieces of paper and play games with them.

Can you read them in the sentences below?

The bee is in the tree.

He can keep his feet down.

I go to sleep in a bed.

The seed is green and black.

The weed is now green.

He can feethe dog.

She can speed in a jeep.

My cheek feels hot.

I brush my teeth well.


  • rain
  • wai
  • tail
  • paid

 HFW spellings

  • what 
  • when

Practice writing them in sentences.

You could pick a word and write it in a sentence. 

Remember to use a capital letter, finger spaces, and full stops!


The worksheets do not have to be printed out they can be shown on screen and the children could write the words and draw the pictures onto a separate piece of paper. The games can also just be shown on screen and played.